class: inverse, center, middle # An Introduction to Writing Reproducible Manuscripts Using RMarkdown ### Natya Hans ### Academic Research Consulting and Services, University of Florida ### (updated: 2023-11-14) --- # Motivations Challenges when writing a paper: * syncing results with text e.g. p-values, number of data points, figures, data tables * formatting bibliographies for different journals --- # Learning Objectives * describe the principles of reproducible documents * apply markdown syntax to format text * run code chunks in R Markdown * format tables in R Markdown * generate figures in R Markdown * format references in R Markdown --- class: inverse, center, middle # Reproducible Documents --- # Overview Reproducible Documents: * a way to write reports that embed text with other outputs: - code, figures, tables * authors only make changes in *one* place - the entire document stays up to date - (instead of redoing an analysis, and copying images and numbers into a separate file) --- # Many Platforms Exist for Reproducible Documents: * [Manubot]( * [Stencila]( * [Jupyter Notebooks]( * [Curvenote]( * [Overleaf]( -- ### Please not that this lesson is a basic intro to [R Markdown]( ! (many add-ons extend functionality) --- class: inverse, center, middle # How R Markdown Works --- # R Markdown Toolchain * **`rmarkdown`** is the file-format and main interface with R (`*.Rmd`) * **`knitr`** runs code and formats results into markdown * **`pandoc`** converts markdown documents into other formats --- # Installation * RStudio comes with `pandoc`. - but it can be [installed separately](, as well. * The **`rmarkdown`** package includes **`knitr`** as a dependency. -- For PDF output, you also need LaTeX. The [**`tinytex`** package]( provides a mechanism for a lightweight LaTeX install: ```r tinytex::install_tinytex() ``` --- # Creating Documents 1. Create an R Markdown document. - Use the `New R Markdown` file option in RStudio, or create a plaintext file. 2. Run the R code ```r rmarkdown::render("document.Rmd") ``` .center[**OR**] Use the `Knit` button in RStudio. <img src="knit-button.png" alt="A screenshot of the Knit button in RStudio, which appears as an image of a ball of yarn with a needle in it, next to the text 'Knit' and an optional pulldown menu in the form of a down arrow." /> --- # What happens during knitting? 1. **`knitr`** runs the code chunks and merges the output back into a markdown file. 2. `pandoc` converts the markdown into the final output format(s). <img src="rmarkdownflow.png" alt="A diagram from, showing the workflow for R Markdown, where an Rmd file is transformed by `knitr` into a markdown file, and then by `pandoc` into multiple output files." /> --- class: inverse, center, middle # Markdown --- # About Markdown Markdown is a **markup** language. * Unlike MS Word or Google Docs, where you apply formatting to the text directly; * In **markdown**, you write out the formatting in the text. The text file is then processed to produce a formatted document. --- # Markdown Formatting Markdown has an intentionally limited set of formatting commands: * formatting is easy to read in plaintext * you can use any text editor * works well with version control * lets you focus on content; styling can be customized for the output format --- # Syntax: Headings ``` # heading 1 ## heading 2 ### heading 3 ``` .center[*renders into*] # heading 1 ## heading 2 ### heading 3 --- # Syntax: bullets ``` - bullet list * sub-item 1. numbered list 2. numbered list ``` .center[*renders into*] - bullet list + sub-item 1. numbered list 2. numbered list --- # Syntax: text ``` **bold**, __bold__ *italic*, _italic_ > This is a quote. ``` .center[*renders into*] **bold**, __bold__ *italic*, _italic_ > This is a quote --- # Links ``` Raw URLs: Formatted links: [CRAN]( ``` .center[*renders into*] Raw URLs: Formatted links: [CRAN]( --- class: inverse, center, middle # R Markdown --- # What does R Markdown add? **R Markdown** adds additional syntax for authoring code-based reports. * document metadata * code chunks * references --- # Header Information R Markdown files begin with a header: ```yaml --- title: "An example document" author: "Natya Hans" output: html_document --- ``` * metadata about the document will be incorporated in the final output --- # A More Complex Header ```yaml --- title: "Chaotic Dynamics" author: - "Natya Hans" - "Gritty" output: html_document: toc: true toc_depth: 2 --- ``` --- # Code Chunks Unexecuted code can be marked with triple backticks (the backtick is **not** the same as a single-quote!) ```` ``` print("Hello World!") ``` ```` .center[*renders into*] ``` print("Hello World!") ``` --- # Inserting Code Including `{r}` will execute the code in R and display the result: ```` ```{r} 1 + 1 ``` ```` .center[*renders into*] ```r 1 + 1 ``` ``` ## [1] 2 ``` --- # Code Chunk Options The evaluation of code chunks can be controlled through options, e.g.: ```` ```{r, eval = FALSE} 1 + 1 ``` ```` .center[*renders into*] ```r 1 + 1 ``` See the description of [chunk options]( for details. --- # Inline code Code expressions can be embedded inline with text, too. ```` The square root of 10 is `r sqrt(10)`. Today's date is `r Sys.Date()`. ```` .center[*renders into*] The square root of 10 is 3.1622777. Today's date is 2023-11-14. --- # Other Coding Languages **`knitr`** supports other programming languages. See [Section 2.7]( of the R Markdown book for details. --- # Tables (markdown) ``` | Tables | Are | Cool | |:-------------|:-------------:|------:| | col 1 is | left-aligned | $1600 | | col 2 is | centered | $12 | | col 3 is | right aligned | $1 | ``` .center[*renders into*] | Tables | Are | Cool | |:------------------------------|:-----------------------------:|------------:| | col 1 is | left-aligned | $1600 | | col 2 is | centered | $12 | | col 3 is | right aligned | $1 | --- # Tables (R code) ```` ```{r, results="asis"} knitr::kable(mtcars[1:4,1:3], format = "markdown") ``` ```` .center[*renders into*] | | mpg| cyl| disp| |:--------------|----:|---:|----:| |Mazda RX4 | 21.0| 6| 160| |Mazda RX4 Wag | 21.0| 6| 160| |Datsun 710 | 22.8| 4| 108| |Hornet 4 Drive | 21.4| 6| 258| --- # Figures (images) ```  ```  --- # Figures (code) ```r plot(mpg ~ disp, data = mtcars, cex = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 2) ``` <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-10-1.png" alt="A scatterplot of mileage (mpg) vs. engine displacement (disp) from the mtcars dataset. There is a general inverse relationship (curvilinear, with a hint of being concave-up) with higher displacement corresponding to lower mileage. Displacement on the x-axis ranges from 71.1 to 472 (cubic centimeters?) and mileage on the y-axis ranges from 10.4 to 33.9 (miles per gallon)." width="400" height="400" /> --- # References * Get your citations into a `.bib` format. (plain-text bibtex, most reference managers can output a list in this way) * Add metadata to the header about the file and the *style* of citations * Insert citations using `[@{bibentry}]`, where `{bibentry}` is the unique identifier for the reference in the bibliography. - the [`citr` add-in]( also lets you search for the correct `{bibentry}` --- # Example .bib file contents of `refs.bib` file: ``` @article{Barkai_1988, Author = {Amos Barkai and Christopher McQuaid}, Journal = {Science}, Number = {4875}, Pages = {62-64}, Title = {Predator-prey role reversal in a marine benthic ecosystem}, Volume = {242}, Year = {1988}} ``` --- # Example YAML header ```yaml --- title: "An example document" author: "Natya Hans" output: html_document bibliography: refs.bib csl: methods-in-ecology-and-evolution.csl --- ``` Find Citation Style Language (CSL) files at * * --- # Example citation ``` Sometimes whelks eat lobsters [@Barkai_1998]. ``` .center[*renders into*] Sometimes whelks eat lobsters (Barkai and McQuaid, 1988). ### References 1. Barkai, A. and C. McQuaid (1988). "Predator-prey role reversal in a marine benthic ecosystem". In: _Science_ 242.4875, pp. 62-64. --- class: inverse, center, middle # Extensions --- # Basic Output Formats * `html_document` - a single HTML file * `pdf_document` - a single PDF file (requires a LaTeX installation, see the [**`tinytex`** package]( * `word_document` - a single MS Word file * `github_document` - markdown for rendering in GitHub --- # Other Formats MANY packages build on R Markdown to do more complex things: * [thesisdown]( has thesis templates * [blogdown]( for websites * [xaringan]( for interactive slides (what this uses) --- # Thanks * Slides courtesy of Dr. Hao Ye * Let me know what content you'd like to see * Contact me for additional questions or consultation requests! * Check back in on the libguide for more modules and contact info: -